I'm not sure if this managing a bigger home, homeschooling, working for our company, wife-ing and mothering and crafting is going to mesh so well with the blogging-thing.
I want it to.
I really want it to.
Who knows, I'll try. Because I really do have some fun stuff to show off. We are doing good in school. Some of the stuff we are working on is share-able (meaning you the reader might actually be interested in it). I'm knitting some fun things. Some actual finished projects! The kids are growing (I tried getting them to stop but they like it too much) and we are generally just having an awesome time...I'd like to share that with you.
I'll write up some ideas and see if I can squeeze some time to type and embed photos and the like into my day.
I am super-into the photoblog idea. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. :)
You're amazing (as ever)!
I had a question about your BFIAR's I am an Artist post. I am thinking of doing your 'it looked like..." idea for a BFIAR class that I am teaching and had a quick question for you. I love the idea of using the cotton ball and the clothes pin but could you describe for me what you did on the plate??? Is it just a dollop of white paint on plastic wrap on the plate or did you do something different??? I have 25+ kids in my class so I like to keep the mess to a minimum if at all possible:)
Yes, I just wrap my plates with plastic wrap to help with clean-up. I've also used paper plates before but I don't always have those on hand…
Thanks for stopping by the world of Wiedz
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