We set off from our house after #5 ate Saturday morning in the hopes of making it all the way without having to stop.
After dinner Saturday we made up the egg dye and let the kids color eggs. This year we used 2 kits and each kid got 4 colors to use. I think it helped keep the mess down since they weren't reaching across and fighting over colors. They colored two dozen eggs and had a good time doing it.
First they found their hidden Easter baskets.
Then they hunted the eggs. The rest of the morning was spent going through their treasures and shoving as much candy as possible into their mouths before mom or dad could notice.
We had a leisurely breakfast and morning spent enjoying family company. The afternoon was nap time for the Grandpas (Grandma and Grandpa D had joined us) and wii or xbox playing for the kids.
Dinner was delicious ham, potatoes, veggies, salad and bread eaten with family and enjoyed by everyone!
I did a little photo shoot of the kids in their Easter clothes, #5 was my most willing participant.
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