It has been a long time since I posted about a row of ours. This one was interesting as I looked back a photos while uploading the ones I would use for the post, there is one that #1 took that shows my very pregnant belly in the background. So strange that not too long ago I was waddling around.
We rowed this book in the middle of February (13th-17th) and enjoyed it a lot. I think I had been able to get a lot of organizing done on our rows for Febrary so I had a lot of activities and projects all lined up.
What's better for sensory play and rather snow looking than shaving cream. I thought I would be able to get a couple of things done with the older kids while the younger ones were busy with this activity, especially as #5 seemed so interested as that first photo indicated, but #5 hated it past that first reaction and the other boys spread theirs out so much that it dried out really fast...the activity was over in moments and I got nothing else done. But the big boys loved it while it lasted.
We had a little lesson on directions and the compass. Compass rose from homeschool share and my compass app on the iPhone.
"By noon it was four inches deep... By afternoon the snow was ten inches deep and still coming down. "Looks like a Big Snow," they said at the Highway Department, and sent Katy out."
We painted pieces of paper after we measured 4 inches and 10 inches. I also showed the boys how we can measure with a ruler, a yard stick and a tape measure.
I found this idea on pinterest and still need to finish it but we did do a painted foot. All the boys thought this was awesome fun. And looking back I am amazed at the amount of messy projects we did...brave mama that week!
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