
Monday, July 25, 2011


We got a new play set for the kids a few weeks back. Mr. Wiedz had done a project for my parents and they chose to bless our family in return.

Knowing how challenging these play sets can be to put together my parents also came for a weekend and helped put the thing together.


Of course, the boxes provided many hours of entertainment for kids not allowed onto the structure as it was being built and there wasn't too much to allow them to play with or "help".



Since the big kids wouldn't let him play their under-the-box-game I helped #5 play under a box.
FINALLY, they were allowed on the swings and in the tower and down the slide. It was all so much fun. They are still enjoying it every day. #1 spends at least half an hour a day listening to her iPod while swinging and #5 sits at the top of the slide enjoying the vantage point and figuring out how to safely get down.



Thank you, Grammie and Grandpa!

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