
Thursday, November 17, 2011

History is Alive :: Chinese Dinner

Wow! I didn't realize how far I was behind in documenting our history adventures until I looked back and saw I still needed to record our awesome Chinese dinner.

Weeks ago now, our history and the little boys FIAR book The Story about Ping coincided like I planned them to. We were studying ancient China while the little boys and I read a book set in China. So one of the field trips I planned for that week was to eat out at Chinese. Mr. Wiedz thought it would be fun to eat at the restaurant we used to go to in college, right next to campus.


It was one of those precious family memories where everyone behaved beautifully (we even had two separate people tell us how beautiful our family was and how nicely they behaved - proud parent moment!), where we enjoyed trying something new, listened and communicated well together. I left the restaurant full.

Full of my wonderful family...


Full of learning opportunities...



Full of delicious Chinese food!


To see what else the little boys and I did during our "row" that week, click here.

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